Sunday 31 March 2024

Saturday 30 March 2024

Friday 29 March 2024

Wednesday 27 March 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: I built an interactive plotter art exhibit for SIGGRAPH
Show HN: I built an interactive plotter art exhibit for SIGGRAPH
6 by cosiiine | 0 comments on Hacker News.
I'm enthralled with using pen plotters to make generative art. Last August at SIGGRAPH, I built an interactive experience for others to see how code can be used to make visual art. The linked blog post is my trials and tribulations of linking a MIDI controller to one of these algorithms and sending its output to a plotter, so that people may witness the end-to-end experience.

Monday 25 March 2024

Sunday 24 March 2024

Thursday 21 March 2024

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Monday 18 March 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Fake or real? Try our AI image detector
Show HN: Fake or real? Try our AI image detector
11 by aymandfire | 29 comments on Hacker News.
Hey HN! We're Ayman and Dylan, co-founders of Nuanced ( ). We want to share a tool we’re working on to detect fake and real images: . The UI is bare-bones but you’ll get the idea. Drag or upload an image and our tool will display the probabilities with which it thinks that the image might be AI-generated or not. If you want, you can click “No, it’s AI” to confirm that the image was AI-generated, or “No, it’s real” to confirm that the image was not AI-generated. Why we’re working on this: as AI-generated images continue to blur the line between real and artificial and their adoption and quality rises, so too does the risk for fraud and misinformation. Not being able to trust what you see online threatens whatever level of "realness" or authenticity online material has. Companies like dating apps, news sites, and trust and safety teams have a growing need to distinguish AI-generated images from authentic ones. The models we built are trained on various architectures, such as Dalle-3, Midjourney, and SDXL, with continuous integration of data from the latest AI image generators. Our technology can detect deepfakes and verify user profile images, documents, IDs, or media images. Additionally, it can detect fake or counterfeit products, services, or experiences being marketed on e-commerce platforms. We hope it’s fun and would be very interested in any cases it gets wrong, as well as whatever else you’d like to ask or say!

Sunday 17 March 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Interactive Smartlog VSCode Extension – An Interactive Git GUI
Show HN: Interactive Smartlog VSCode Extension – An Interactive Git GUI
10 by tnesbitt210 | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Interactive Smartlog is a graphical VSCode extension that presents a simplified view of the Git log, directly highlighting the branches and commits that are most relevant to your current work. And it's not just a visual tool — it's fully interactive, allowing you to add/switch/remove branches, stage/unstage files, and manage commits directly from the GUI. This tool draws inspiration from Meta's Interactive Smartlog built for the Sapling source control system, and I've adapted it to work with Git. Transitioning the functionality from Sapling to Git wasn't just about a one-to-one feature transfer; it involved changing how data is queried & presented, as well as introducing UI interactions for several Git concepts (like branches, staging/unstaging changes, etc) which are not present in the Sapling source control system. Originally a personal project to enhance my own workflow, I've published the extension on the VSCode marketplace for anyone who would like to use it. I'm keen to hear your feedback and suggestions, as community input is invaluable in shaping its future updates.

Saturday 16 March 2024

Friday 15 March 2024

Thursday 14 March 2024

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Monday 11 March 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Who uses Google TPUs for inference in production?
Who uses Google TPUs for inference in production?
16 by arthurdelerue | 2 comments on Hacker News.
I am really puzzled by TPUs. I've been reading everywhere that TPUs are powerful and a great alternative to NVIDIA. I have been playing with TPUs for a couple of months now, and to be honest I don't understand how can people use them in production for inference: - almost no resources online showing how to run modern generative models like Mistral, Yi 34B, etc. on TPUs - poor compatibility between JAX and Pytorch - very hard to understand the memory consumption of the TPU chips (no nvidia-smi equivalent) - rotating IP addresses on TPU VMs - almost impossible to get my hands on a TPU v5 Is it only me? Or did I miss something? I totally understand that TPUs can be useful for training though.

Sunday 10 March 2024

Friday 8 March 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: wallstreetlocal – View investments from America's biggest companies
Show HN: wallstreetlocal – View investments from America's biggest companies
16 by anonyonoor | 4 comments on Hacker News.
Hello Hacker News! My name is Anonyo, and I am a seventeen-year-old from Southeast Michigan. This is wallstreetlocal, my passion project for the last year (and a half). I've posted this before, but I've finally open-sourced this entire project, so I thought I'd post it again. Heres the short pitch. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) keeps record of every company in the United States. Companies whose holdings surpass $100 million though, are required to file a special type of form: the 13F form. This form, filed quarterly, discloses the filer's holdings, providing transparency into their investment activities and allowing the public and other market participants to monitor them. The problem though, is that these holdings are often cumbersome to access, and valuable analysis is often hidden behind a paywall. Through wallstreetlocal, the SEC's 13F filers become more accessible and open. By exploring the website (and the code), you can see the resources I used, check out some notable money managers I listed, and download any data that suits you. All for free. (Note, the mobile site likely needs work.) I made this project to better democratize SEC filings, and also to get some experience on my hands. I love computers, and one day hope to get involved with startups. In the comments, I'd appreciate any and all advice, as well as feedback on how to improve the site.

Thursday 7 March 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Launch HN: SiLogy (YC W24) – Chip design and verification in the cloud
Launch HN: SiLogy (YC W24) – Chip design and verification in the cloud
10 by pkkim | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Hi everyone! We’re the cofounders of SiLogy ( ). We’re building chip design and verification tools to speed up the semiconductor development cycle. Here's a demo: Interest in designing new chips is growing, thanks to demand from AI and the predicted decline of Moore’s Law. All these chips need to be tested in simulation. Since the number of possible states grows exponentially with chip complexity, the need for verification is exploding. Chip developers already spend 70% of their time on testing. (See this video on the “verification gap”: ). Tooling hasn’t kept up. The state of the art in collaborative debugging is to walk to a coworker’s desk and point to an error in a log file or waveform file. Each chip company rolls out its own tooling and infra to deal with this—this was Kay’s (one of our cofounders) entire job at his last gig. But they want to work on chips, not devtools! The solutions they come up with are often inadequate and frustrating. That’s why we started SiLogy. SiLogy is a web app to manage the entire digital verification workflow. (“Digital verification” means testing the logic of the design and includes everything before the physical design of the chip. It’s the most time-consuming stage in verification.) We combine three capabilities: Test orchestration and running : The heart of our product is a CI tool that runs Verilator, a popular open-source simulator, in a Docker container. When you push to your repo or manually trigger a job in the UI, we install your dependencies and compile your binaries into a Docker image, and run your tests. You can also rerun a single test with custom arguments using the UI. Test results and statistics : We display logs from each test in the web app. We’re working on displaying waveform files in the app, too. We also keep track of passing and failing tests within each test suite, and we’re working on slick visualizations of test trends, to keep managers happy. :) Collaboration : soon you’ll be able to send a link to and leave a comment on a specific location within a log or waveform file, just like in Google Docs. Unlike generic CI tools, we focus on tight integration with verification workflows. When an assertion fails, we show you the source code where it happened. We’re hard at work on waveform viewing – soon you’ll be able to generate waves from a failing test, with the click of a button. Our roadmap includes support for the major commercial simulators: VCS, Xcelium, and Questa. We’re also working on a test gen framework based on Buck2 to statically declare tests for your post-commit runs, or programmatically generate thousands of tests for nightly regressions. We plan to sell seats, with discounts for individuals, startups, and research labs (we’re working on pricing). For now, we’re opening up guest registration so HN can play with what we hope is the future of design verification. We owe so much of what we know to this community and we’d be so grateful for any feedback. <3 You can sign up here, just press "Use guest email address" if you don't want to give up your email:

Wednesday 6 March 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: My first programming project – userscripts to change forum UIs
Show HN: My first programming project – userscripts to change forum UIs
8 by willthereader | 5 comments on Hacker News.
Hi, I'm Will. I'm 24, autistic, and have OCD tendencies. I'm learning to code and this is my first public project. I’d really appreciate your feedback and encouragement! This project lets me solve some of my OCD problems online. There are a couple of parts of the forums that I visit – Space Battles, Sufficient Velocity, and Questionable Questing – that I want to remove. Specifically, I hate seeing indicators of how much is left in a forum thread, because I keep thinking about how much content is left. It stops me from immersing myself in the story. It stressed me out. Before I learned to code, I'd use my hand to block the total chapter count so I could read the blurb and see the word count. I would do my best to ignore the page navigation bar except for the next page button, but I usually ended up failing. One of the reasons I always read in full-screen Safari is that I didn't have to see the tab name that always had the page number. I learned not to hover my cursor over the window because it would tell me the page number. This project is a series of userscripts that hide those indicators. I coded the userscripts in JavaScript, and I used as the system. Despite the fact I didn't know what a userscript was until I started coding them, AI assistance allowed me to code them with minimal help from my brother, Stevie. Khanmigo helped me plan, write, and debug code. ChatGPT taught me the theory. Part of the reason I coded a lot faster with the later userscripts is I knew enough to realize when AI was talking about something irrelevant and redirect it. One cool moment was when I correctly predicted I didn't need to code different userscripts for SpaceBattles and Sufficient Velocity because Sufficient Velocity used to be part of SpaceBattles. I find it relaxing not to have to worry about accidentally seeing the chapter count or the final page number. Maybe they’ll help one of you!

Monday 4 March 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Workflow Orchestrator in Golang
Show HN: Workflow Orchestrator in Golang
4 by harshadmanglani | 0 comments on Hacker News.
A brief overview: 1. Workflows steps share a running context, with access to data they need require. 2. Steps in the workflow (builders) are chained together based on a topologically sorted built from the predefined input & output. 3. No servers spin up (like Conductor/Cadence) - the orchestrator is low level and meant for simplifying business logic. 4. Before/After listeners for each step. Would love to hear your thoughts and feedback!

Sunday 3 March 2024

Saturday 2 March 2024

Friday 1 March 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Replay your typing in a few lines of JavaScript
Show HN: Replay your typing in a few lines of JavaScript
8 by Einenlum | 2 comments on Hacker News.
I recently needed to make a text appear on a website and I wanted to get this real human feeling that computers don't have. I only found the TypeIt lib but it was not free and I didn't want to add a dependency for such a simple case. Human replay allows to copy paste a few lines of JS to make a text appear exactly how you typed it.