Ask HN: If you could go back to study any CS-related field, what would it be?
31 by offbytwo | 33 comments on Hacker News.
I'm a sophomore in college, and feeling pretty bogged down by the not-so-relevant required courses at my school. I love the CS courses but I keep finding myself looking at entry level code monkey jobs and thinking of dropping out. I work part time as a developer right now and I enjoy working far more than doing any of my homework, so this is something that is on my mind a lot. What are some lesser known areas of CS that would be worth studying while I have the chance? I would say the subjects that excite me the most are Machine Learning, p2p tech like IPFS, UX-design, and alternative computer-interface things (like brainwave sensors, VR, and that jawbone thing from MIT that was posted a few weeks back [1]). [1]
New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: If you could go back to study any CS-related field, what would it be?