Saturday, 16 June 2018

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Who has started a business because they couldn't get hired for work?

Ask HN: Who has started a business because they couldn't get hired for work?
198 by ccajas | 116 comments on Hacker News.
Many people start businesses for more financial independence, or simply want to be their own boss. How many of those started it out of a more dire need, from being unable to get hired anywhere and so needed to make money independently for themselves? Maybe from a pivot away from skills that are no longer in demand, or simply having trouble passing interviews due to a lack of a good network or bad soft skills. It could be anyone from HN reading this, or just anybody else, who has shared their story somewhere about starting their business under these circumstances. EDIT: I have years of experience as a software developer, but my inability to survive in the job market in the past three years has inspired me to make this topic. Either due to bad luck/timing, or bad soft skills, I can't get an offer anymore. So I'm considering other avenues to make a living.

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