Chinook helicopter crew rescues climber in Oregon in BBC News - Home IFTTT published on July 15, 2018 leave a reply A Chinook helicopter pilot landed two wheels on Mount Hood in Oregon to rescue a stranded climber. from BBC News - Home Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post New top story on Hacker News: Bicycle Control Design in Python Next Post New top story on Hacker News: Why is Google not making a language that runs on low memory devices? post written by: Unknown Related PostsWhat we wish we'd known about infertilityIn the US, one in eight couples experience infertility. But a culture of silence and stigma means most people suffer alone. from BBC News - Home… Continue ReadingCoronavirus exposed 'much larger' rough sleeping issue, says committeeMPs praise the government's Everyone In scheme, but say it "exposed the scale of the task" at hand. from BBC News - Home … Continue ReadingUniversities told not to swamp courses with studentsWith uncertainty over teachers' grades for A-levels, a warning against "over-recruiting" is issued. from BBC News - Home … Continue Reading'The Gospel Truth?' Covid-19 vaccines and the danger of religious misinformationMany religious leaders are spreading the word that vaccines are safe and effective, but some are undermining that message. from BBC News - Home… Continue Reading'More divisive than air strikes' - The battle over LTNsThe schemes were introduced to tackle increasing traffic on minor roads but some face fierce opposition. from BBC News - Home … Continue Reading