Friday, 6 July 2018

London Mayor Says 'Trump Baby' Blimp Can Fly In Protest Of President Trump's Visit - NPR


London Mayor Says 'Trump Baby' Blimp Can Fly In Protest Of President Trump's Visit
The "Trump Baby" blimp is nearly 20 feet tall, wearing nothing but a diaper and a grimace. A tuft of yellow hair tops his orange head. He is armed with a cellphone, ready to tweet. HUGE news coming in: DONALD J TRUMP BABY WILL FLY! @SadiqKhan tried ...
Giant 'Trump Baby' could fly over London for president's visitBBC News
Diaper-clad 'Trump Baby' blimp to fly over London during president's visitUSA TODAY
Blimp depicting Trump in diaper could fly the skies during his London visitLos Angeles Times
all 167 news articles »

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