Sunday 3 July 2022

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Why is everything in JavaScript changing so fast?

Ask HN: Why is everything in JavaScript changing so fast?
18 by swat535 | 34 comments on Hacker News.
Hello HN, This question has been on my mind a lot recently and after doing some research, I found a previous discussion on this topic [0]. However, I was wondering if it would be a good idea to ask it again (now that 6 years has passed) to gain some new insights from the community. To be honest, I was expecting the rat of change to slow down or at least for the ecosystem to mature but this has not happened; in fact it seems like JS is moving in the _opposite_ direction with the sheer number of tools, frameworks, libraries and build packs that are being released daily at this point. No other language has this problem to my knowledge, so I was wondering if you think this trend will ever stop? Will JavaSript ever evolve to a stable point like other languages (e.g Python, Ruby, Java,..) and if so, how do you envision this coming about? [0]

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